Today, you are a member of… 7’1″ / 100

In terms of numeric constants, 0 requires quite an ego, 10 is so eighties / Bo Derrick and 1000 is just plain overkill. Best bet of all is the straight up 100 – the warrior of all countings. And this week, which starts with the 50th annivarsary of Wilt Chamberlain’s standing record as the only NBA player to sink an extra ordinal 100 baskets in a single game, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to wax centennialtastic. And just as Wilt’s moves were not scanned at a rate of 525 lines per frame (no television footage exists), nor will your record-setting bad-ass wow be warped by the 1080 pixel verification resolution. Without a videographic eye trained on your game, you’ll find a refreshing ease at becoming legend. So this week, grow to 7’1″, score on some wee knickerbockers, and do the dipper dunk no matter who is not watching.