Today, you are a member of… Acting Up

For your consideration, members: Japan’s bow-tied Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu, who turns 83 today. Famous for inventing the self defense wig, the funtastic pyonpyon jumping shoe, and a whole line of random love creams, Dr. Nakamatsu (not really a doctor) is an expert at achieving heights to his airy ideas. Long before Facebook made everyone’s menu choices ready for their close-up, he’s been snapping phots of every meal he’s eaten for like, 34 years. He’s penned books with titles like Foolishness and Genius. He also boasts a million-dollar gold toilet which he claims makes him cogitate better. In short, if Dr. Nakamats thinks it, no matter its ridiculousness, he acts on it. Have a ridiculous week, members.