Today, you are a member of… Beckett Break

What better mathematics for the first full week of the shortest month in the Gregorian Calendar but Molloy Molloy Molloy Molloy Molloy – existentially the loudest persona non grata to ever be born on paper. And, if one is to be properly born this week, that is to say, to find the ways and means to go on after not going on, one needs vagrants well versed in the success of falling down to do it. Moving forward is gravity after all – the irrevocable force driving life on earth…if such a place even exists, considering the sheer number of individuals who choose to to put their faith in things (anything in fact) so long as it’s anthropomorphic and far less tangible. Molloy would not suffer any of it and stand right there in it. Yes, it may well be one stone sucker of a week, but wade through the drainage ditch like the book thug you are and indeed retreive your bicycle and remember: There is a little of everything, apparently, in nature, and freaks are common.