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If, as Philip K. Dick said, the Empire never ended, then the introduction of the Julien calendar and its continued presence as the more refined and sanctimonious Gregorian calendar must feel like Daylight Savings Time for those ancient Romans of the Republic still among us. In its oldest iteration, the Roman calendar held March as the first month of the year, rather than January. And that makes a sort of sense since March is a more springy month for residents of Rome. So pushing New Year’s celebrations to the frigid and desolate month of January must feel as disorienting and random as the man-made contraption as pushing hours of the day around to accommodate a vocation now dominated by corpobeasts like Monsanto. So Members, as you head into the Ides of March with one less hour this week, remember though republics slide into empires, emperors sometimes also get shived. And though tempus edax rerum especially de roses nascentibus, combinatios novo also abound.