Today, you are a member of… The Shadow of Deceased Icons
La Morte de Trois it is, members – a week of another triumverate gone, the sound bites, the death details, the old photos and nostalgic wax of their I in our eye. And yet: a democratic Iran is still in contention. Governors unhappy with their jobs will still blow up their careers (and blow tax payer dollars) instead of just quitting. Your good looks will still not buy you what you need at the supermarket. Pi still goes on forever and there are still no goddamn jetpaks. So this week, while the buzzing grows to an uncritical mass, keep in mind: icons gone on to the whatever hereafter don’t cast shadows, only the live ones do. And to avoid both illusory and discreet shadows of neverneverland all you gots to do is make like a Jungian and get your own archetype on.