Today, you are a member of … Reflexology

As we we round the corner on 2016, Members, its time to do a little reflecting. This was the year of WYZYWYG, the span of 366 days (yes, 2016 was a leap year) to consider whether or not that radioactive 1968 Chevy Malibu was your ride. So consider – are you still sitting on a bus you know is going in the wrong direction? Are you being that jackass on a seguey? Are you atop a burro trekking through a desert wash and completely digging it? Are you on the May float waving and feeling queenly? Perhaps you’ve manufactured a rudimentary paragliding apparatus and are now a dealing with yaw. Or there’s a good chance you are still peering in the window of the offered ride wondering if it will be intense enough. Whatever your transportation moment, both you and 2016 are hurdling along on its way, so now’s the time to see what kind of light beams are bouncing back at you.