Today, you are a member of… (anti)Hero Worship

santoWe all need heroes, members. Whether that person is a great aunt, the winner of a hot dog eating contest, or a luchador enmascaradoro, demi-gods make us human. And even though death and taxes make heroes as mere as the rest of us, throwing roses at a parade is fun, no doubt. Of equal importance are anti-heroes, those brooding, flawed, highly unpredictable characters that have the capacity to turn into a cockroach or drive all ape-shit under a Brooklyn overpass if it’s a point for proving. And even though doctrine looks down on the anti-hero’s moral ambiguity, throwing off the delusion of face is fun, after all. This coming week, as per, members get it all: equal parts monument building and underground note-taking. So feel free to let fly as many roses as possible and vanquish all that is kayfabe about face. You got the throwing arm and spine to do (or be) both.

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