Today, you are a member of… Inventions Involving Nothing

Nature may abhor a vacuum, members, but not so with Capitalism, as proven by two machines introduced in 1901 and 1980, respectively, both of which succeeded because they give the impression of nothing. The first, born of a patent registered by the Brit Hubert Cecil Booth, is the Vacuum Cleaner, which promised to whisk your dirt away with nothing. The second, made public in a paper by that corporate behemoth Xerox, specified the Ethernet, which puts your local area network in the air. Members are aware, however, that according to physic’s laws of conservation, you can’t ever get something from nothing and ergo nothing, if it produces something, must also be something as well. So this week, though you don’t have to trap your invention in the M-C-M formula that melts all that is solid into air, your nothing will indeed be something.