Today, you are a member of… Monasticism
Godzilla here, members, with a point of information. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicuswas the only publication Ludwig Wittgenstein saw during his lifetime. The only one! And it took him, like, 5 years to write it, and then 7 rejection letters over another 2 years from publishers. Finally, he sent it to Bertrand Russell with a note that said “Here! It’s Yours!” and headed off to be an undergardener at a monestary outside Vienna. Of course Tractus and its rich statement that ‘What we cannot speak of we must pass over in silence’ did see the light of day and the guy went on to like, own the philosophy canon. Now I’m a philosopher as much as the next 200,000 ton, giant-lunged, mutant euphemism. I agree, talk is cheap – sometimes impression is to be chosen over expression. But I like options. So this week, make like Wiggy. Only instead of silence, try this:
Guarantee – It’ll do the trick. And you’ll rock the flippin’ canon. Gojira out.