Today, you are a member of… The Fifth

Oh, auspicious week, Members. It rings in the fifth, yes! FIFTH membership update for the first month of the year of WYSIWYG. That’s right: five Fridays, Fridays FRIdays, FRIDAYS, FRIDAYS!!!! Ergo, let’s ponder our fives and our fifths. It’s our digitalis standard, the third factorial, the glyphic combination of right angles and curves. You can postulate it as yet another fundemental force of physics. You can drink it. You can plead it. It is a clusterfuck of a highway in Southern California at inexplicably random times. It can be perfect, augmented, or diminished – regardless, it’s central to Tony Iommi’s pet chord, the “devil’s key.” It is Murray Saul’s favorite day. It is a grade level that at can only be described as ‘weirdly close adolescence’. It is Jupiter. All that being established, Members, get your oddity on and relish the fanfuckingtastic high fives the week has to offer!

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