Today, you are a member of… FIRE !

matchbookIn Honor of the coming solstice return of light, and as a little something to get you by during the dark nights of the soul preceding such glory, here is a membership matchbook, members. Sure it’s a mite of a drag without max amounts of Helos, but you aren’t without a certain amount of firepower. Said element has been around for 420 million years, having a fossil record that dates back to the Late Silurian Period, and us bipeds have been using it to cook hotdogs for upwards to 100,000 years. So sure, it’s no substitute for the cosmic photon wowbeam of Sun Ra’s namesake, but a little bit of phosphorus, carbon black, potassium chlorate, sulfur & starch can go a long way. So light it up, or just get lit, get it in your belly or put it under your ass, just don’t sit there bitching in the dark & shaking a fist at the gods.

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